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Job Description of Software Testing Analysts and Their Salary Details

September 6th, 2017
Job Description of Software Testing Analysts and Their Salary Details

There can be times when your software does not perform as expected. And this is when a software testing analyst will come as your saving grace. While focusing on meeting quality standards through your QA department, you will also have to go the extra mile to gain your customers’ goodwill. All these will be possible through a skilled professional designated as a software test analyst.
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If you are planning to make software testing as your chosen field of work as a software testing analyst, here is the rundown of the pre-requisites and responsibilities along with the salary and occupational prospects that are in store for you.
Responsibilities of a Software Testing Analyst

  • Detect faults in software and systems by designing and developing test models
  • Closely analyze the bugs in the software
  • Get into the details of what caused the bug to crop up
  • Support the detection of bugs through a well-documented testing report
  • Effectively develop a system to recommend bug-fixing solutions to testing team and the developer
  • Keep a watchful eye on the success of the solutions offered
  • Maintain the hygiene of software and system documentation by updating them periodically

The Salary Bracket of Software Test Analysts
As per the information published in the Remuneration Report published in January 2018, a test analyst’s take home pay depends on the group he/she belongs to. A full time test analyst in the lowest paying segment can expect an average annual salary of $60,500. Those in the mid-pay range can earn $79,000 annually. And the cream of test analysts will be thrilled to sign offer letters averaging to $130,000 as their annual CTC. And if you plan to work on a contractual basis, you can quote anywhere between $60 and $120 per hour for your professional software testing services.
Prerequisites that will help you shine in your job
Ordained to design and implement testing processes as part of the software fault detection and rectification practices, you as a test analyst will become an asset to your organization provided you have some or all of the below mentioned skills.

  1. A Good Bet for Those Who Adopt a Pragmatic Approach to Solve Problems

Essentially meant to identify, define and monitor a software product, a person who demonstrates a problem solving trait can become a perfect fit to this position. If you are the one gifted with a zeal to explore software programs and inquisitive about how they actually work, then this field of software testing can be your top choice.
It is not only about fixing an issue, you as a test analyst have to get into the details of what actually caused the bug. Only then will you be able to discuss the issue with the developer to ensure that the product is stable and bug-free. Your “eye for detail” can hence work to your advantage to deliver a product that will not require the intervention of anyone, but you.

Also Read : 11 Emerging Trends in Software Testing 2018 [Infographic]

  1. Effective Communication and Analytical Skills

The name says it all! Software test analysts who should be able to analyze software products while testing them should also be able to effectively communicate to others the nature of the problem. You as an analyst will hence be required to explain the issue in clear terms, covering all the aspects of the issue bit by bit. This step-by-step analysis of the issue will thus help developers fix the problem.

  1. Ability to Manage Time

Your time management skills will be put to the ultimate test when you as a test analyst will have to effectively manage heavy workloads to deliver high productivity. Typically seen during the release of a software code that should be tested, it is during such testing times that you will also have to demonstrate your organizational skills as well.

  1. Right Attitude and Passion

It is not only with this testing job, any profession for that matter will help you reap benefits with the right attitude and passion for the task at hand. Demonstrating a high degree of independence in the style of working, you as a software testing analyst will be required to hone your technical skills in line with the emerging technologies in the field of software development and testing. With these two characteristics in place, you will always be a step ahead towards excelling in your chosen field of work.

  1. Software Skills

It is important that you have a clear understanding of the various programming techniques along with their syntax. Knowledge of computer software and systems is necessary along with project management skills will be required to successful release a software product. Domain knowledge can also be helpful in addition to an in-depth knowledge about the system that will be tested by you.
A Sneak Peek into the Routine of a Test Analyst
After signing on the dotted line for the post of a software test analyst, you will be required to work fulltime. Late evenings and weekend tasks might become the order of the day along with certain on-call assignments. Adhering to strict deadlines, the job can be stressful. But with effective time management skills, you will be able to make it a lucrative career option when you can also travel abroad to meet clients.
While you can take home hefty pay packets, situations demanding you to deliver with short bug reports can be daunting in times of working on a mammoth project. All these on one side, the profound influence of the internet on the lives of the current generation will pave way for lucrative career opportunities for software test analysts.

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