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9 Best Practices to Improve Software Testing Process

October 26th, 2017
9 Best Practices to Improve Software Testing Process

Software testing is the process used to evaluate a product to find out whether it actually meets the specific functions. It is the process that helps to provide the product owners with the information about its quality and whether it meets the required standards.

Providing the team with an unbiased and independent view of the software, software testing is an excellent step that allows business houses to comprehend the risks associated with the implementation of the software. Some of the common properties that are tested during software testing include whether it meets specified needs such as its design, development, responds correctly to all kinds of inputs, executes the desired functions within the desired time frame, is operational and achieves the results as desired by the stakeholders.
Software testing is conducted at a different stage of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). However, when a team chooses to begin it early, it helps in saving a lot of time, cost as well as ensure the delivery of an error-free product. If not, the team can always begin to conduct testing on a software as soon as an executable version of the software is available.
A typical testing process can be divided into five major steps:

  1. Planning
  2. Analysis and designing
  3. Implementation and execution
  4. Evaluating and reporting
  5. Test closure activities

While every organization ensures that the software testing is conducted in a way that helps identify and fix all bugs, there is always a scope of improvement. Mentioned below are some of the simple ways that can be implanted to ensure process improvement in software testing:

  1. Define a process

To ensure a successful execution of a software testing process, it is important to have a process in place beforehand. The process defined by the company should be robust as well as approved by the experts to ensure that there is no hurdle in its execution. Even though it is not required that the testing team follows this process stringently, but this definitely can serve as a guideline to begin the process. The process can improve and develop along with the product and testing requirements.

  1. Involve testers in development

It is an excellent practice to involve testers in the process of product development right from the beginning of the SDLC. This is because, it helps the testers gain a better understanding of the product, its requirements and thus, develop comprehensive tests for the product. Along with this, doing so is also a cost-effective option to avoid bugs in the final product as well as prevent any delays in its delivery.

  1. Maintain all the records

While it is true that all the bugs and product development related information is readily available over email, it is highly advisable to store this information intelligently in the form of documents and reports. This is to ensure that there is no scattering of the information over email or internet rather, it can be easily accessed from one single place, which, in turn, helps improve productivity.

  1. Keep test cases ready in advance

It is good to keep the test cases ready in advance during requirement analysis and design phase. This will help improve the productivity as well as save a lot of time of both the developers as well as testers. It can also help the testers identify and determine whether the requirements mentioned for the product can be tested or not.
It is important to make sure that the test cases were written are clear enough to be comprehended by both the developer as well as a tester. 

  1. Have a positive mindset

For a tester to successfully implement the testing of a software, it is important to have a positive mindset before starting the test. This is because having a positive attitude helps one to easily identify any bugs or errors in the application. Think that there are multiple bugs and errors in the code and you will definitely end up finding many.

  1. Divide the functional module

It is important for the testing team to divide the entire product module into smaller parts. This is because it helps ensure that each and every aspect of a particular application is tested. The division of the entire logic into smaller modules also make it easier to identify and fix the bugs so as to deliver a high-quality product.

  1. Write a detailed bug report

When a testing team opts to write a clear and detailed bug report, it not only saves a lot of time of the company but also for the developers. It is important for the testers to understand that the clarity in the bug report is essential to fix any sort of bugs that are present in the product and hence, ensure the delivery of an error-free product.
Establish a good relationship with the development team by not only sharing a bug report but also suggesting them the most appropriate ways to fix the same. This will not only save the time of developers’ but also safeguard you from any sort of delay.

  1. Create a good test environment

It is the responsibility of the testing team to ensure that the test environments established by it are an exact imitation of the product’s production. This is to ensure that there are no flaws or bugs that are missed out during the product’s testing.
For instance, there might be a situation when a developer has added certain configurations or run scripts but has missed adding the same in release document or configuration file. This, in turn, would lead to the application’s success in the lower environment but failure during production. In such a situation, when the testing team has complete control over the testing environment but developers do not, it is possible to gain a control over such situations.

  1. Increase communication with developer

Establishing better and improved channels of communication between tester and developer can help in the process improvement in software testing. Having a discussion with the developer regarding any sort of issues, bugs and confusion can help in making things, process and the product better.
It is important to keep a record of all such discussions over email so that one can refer back to them in the case of any clashes or when the need arises.
To meet the ever-changing demands of the clients, it is important for the testing team to upgrade their skills and meet the essential requirements. Incorporating the above-mentioned tips can also be helpful for process improvement in software testing. Thus, it is the time that you stand strong professionally with your skills and deliver the best to the market.

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