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Top 20 Free Usability Testing Tools Available now

April 29th, 2019
Top 20 Free Usability Testing Tools Available now

To improve the execution of your site, you have to see how users are utilizing it. Usability testing is an approach to assess how effectively people can achieve a given task. In this test, a subject is approached to finish a task, usually while being seen by a researcher, to reveal possible user issues. A usability test is otherwise called a user test.
We’ve accumulated the top 20 usability testing tools that will help you perform this test productively.

  1. Optimizely

Optimizely is an A/B testing platform which is pretty famous for being user-friendly, enabling its users to track both visits and conversions. This tool provides a lot of features including:

It’s free for users on the basic plan, though some additional features are available only on the enterprise paid plan.

  1. Usabilla

It is an advance usability testing tool which empowers you to gather feedback from your real users. You can additionally get in-depth reviews from potential users. From these, you can find what your visitors consider of your content, letting you optimize the web pages better.
Features of this tool include:

  • User-friendly
  • Heatmap analysis
  • Instant feedback
  • Offers solutions for visual surveys as well as email feedback
  1. Usability Hub

Usability Hub is a tool to test your mockups and designs on real users. They aren’t free, yet you can procure free tests by helping test other websites. This tool demonstrates interactions of visitors on your site, what they recall and where they commit errors. It can likewise be utilized before your site goes live.

Their tools include:

  • Five Second Test – for design
  • Nav Flow – to track conversion funnels
  • Click Test – to test clicks on site’s landing page

These features can give you every bit of knowledge essential to enhance your site’s ease of use and begin drawing more clients.

  1. Userbrain

Userbrain is a free remote usability testing tool, which is so simple to utilize that you’ll get dependent on testing your application with real users.
You can watch video recordings of individuals visiting your site and hear what they think. It’ll enable you to spot bugs, issues, and complex areas. You can consistently improve your website’s experience and assemble better products for more satisfied users with the help of weekly automated user tests.
Other features are:

  • Test on numerous devices and in various languages to encounter your site under different conditions
  • No restriction on the number of tasks you can request from the testers to perform

The tool is available at a moderate cost with just $14 for every user test with 100% satisfaction assurance. Also, there is no recruiting requisite as you get access to a pool of over 15,000 testers from throughout the world.

  1. Crazyegg

It’s a valuable and well-known visual analytics tool. Crazyegg is a great optimization tool which supports you in tracking the user’s behavior on your sites utilizing mouse tracking to get real-time reviews.
A click-based user experience tool with four critical features:

  • Heatmap – logs where every guest clicks on your website page.
  • Scrollmap – demonstrates how far down the page every visitor scrolls usually.
  • Confetti – gives comprehensive information about search terms, visitor sources, other different elements.
  • Overlay – separates the number of clicks on per page element.

Users get a free 30-day trial, without any requirement to buy a paid membership. Although these aren’t costly too, beginning at $9 for a month.

  1. Chalkmark

Users can initiate tasks and welcome others to participate after uploading of the screenshot for the UI they need to test. The outcomes are given heatmaps to indicate where visitors clicked, and a report determining the average time taken to finish the undertakings.
Key features include:

  • Build personas and assign tasks
  • Create up to three tasks on a similar image or different images for every test.
  • Wireframing and design
  • Information architecture
  • Analyze the test results
  1. Trymyui

Trymyui is a stunning tool available online for usability testing. It just takes minutes to set up your test with this tool.
It empowers testers to personalize their tasks. You can compose a list of tasks or questions that you want users to reply or perform on your site.
You’ll at that point get constant feedback which unmistakably proves what visitors think about your application or site and notices where they’re restricting.
Other features include:

  • Impression testing
  • Demographic curation
  • Written survey
  • Keystrokes
  • Video screen caps
  1. OptimalWorkshop

This tool offers three distinct parts of usability, and every one of them comes with a free-for-life plan. While the complimentary benefits have a few conditions, utilizing them could enable you to determine if it’s worth to try for a paid test.
The key features are:

  • Optimal Sort for card sorting
  • Treejack to perceive how individuals connect with your website structure
  1. IntuitionHQ

Utilizing IntuitionHQ gives you target data about how visitors will utilize the pages designed by you.To make a usability test, you transfer screenshots after that compose tasks to be completed by users.
With the free plan, you can:

  • conduct ten live tests with up to 350 participants
  • create unlimited questions
  1. UserPlus

The UserPlus is a free tool, presently available in alpha. The tool offers incredible tips and best practices for improving the usability of your website.
In three simple steps, users can:

  • Transfer a screenshot
  • Tag elements on the page you are searching for guidance on
  • Discover the usability score

Also, with UserPlus Advisor, users can find the most significant hindrances that might negatively affect your income stream. Users can sign up to be welcomed to participate.

  1. Five Second Test

When users use five seconds test, they don’t just get a chance to set up their test for the website.However, it also enables them to test others’ site.
Intended to enable users to quantify the viability of their designs, users can direct a five-second test to discover which components of your designs are the most notable. You can do this in two different methods:

  • Memory test: In it, users have five seconds to take a look at the design and after that are approached to recall particular components.
  • Click test: In it, users have five seconds to find and tap on the particular components of their design.
  1. Feng-GUI

With Feng-GUI usability testing platform you get a free demo that enables you to test one picture at regular intervals. The features include:

  • an algorithm to simulate users
  • an eye-tracking map to indicate which regions of the page get the most attention

  1. GTMetrix

GTmetrix gives you understanding into how well your site loads and gives significant suggestions on the most proficient method to improve it. Alongside that monitor performance of the page with scheduled managing and picture it with intuitive graphs.
The key features you get with this tool are

  • Page load time
  • Total page size
  • Total number of requests
  1. Google Analytics

Every site must use it by default because it can tell you so much about sharpening and improving its usability. It determines where you are losing visitors and after how much time.
Other features are:

  • Establish conversion goals and measure them
  • Offers valuable insights to tweak layout and content
  1. Google PageSpeed Insights

It’s a free tool which is a simple dashboard enabling you to insert any URL you require speed data on, and within a few seconds, you get an accurate report on its speed.
The data is offered on two specific metrics to check how fast a web browser of user begins to show the pixels of your site after the user clicks a button. Those metrics are:

  • First Contentful Paint (FCP)
  • DOM Content Loaded (DCL)
  1. Website Grader

Usability tester by Hubspot, which shows UX score of your website in four simple sections:

  • Performance grades
  • Mobile grades
  • SEO grades
  • Security grades
  1. Mouseflow

Mouseflow comes with a free version using it you can see detailed heatmaps and scroll-reach statistics. Heatmaps are overlays displayed on top of the content of your site where you can view precisely which portions of the page are receiving the maximum attention.
Its features cover:

  • Tweaking layouts to boost conversion rates
  • Doing analytics
  1. Qualaroo

It’s a platform which integrates directly with your site as well as with many other software tools used by you. Its features are:

  • Offers insight relying on how your visitors behaved on it
  • Generate brief exit questions to present to the visitors when they leave your site
  1. ClickHeat

An open source software which gives a visual heatmap of clicks on a webpage. It remains on your web server, so you get results from the actual website visitors.

Its key features include:

  • Low logging activity
  • Screen sizes and browsers are logged
  • Allows you to group the same pages
  1. WebPageTest

One more open source optimization tool developed by Google & AOL for checking website performance. A thorough visual comparison is likewise possible with it.
Its test results offer rich diagnostic data including:

  • Page Speed optimization checks
  • Resource loading waterfall charts
  • Suggestions for changes
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