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How to Master the Art of Cloud Testing

October 26th, 2015
How to Master the Art of Cloud Testing

Talks about the use of cloud infrastructure for software testing have been in the limelight for some time now. It is particularly useful in high-stake situations where a company is bound by time and cost constraints.  Along with the advantage of unlimited storage space, its quick availability and flexibility has fueled global acceptance.

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The software industry has changed forever with the introduction of virtualization, which paved way for cloud computing. Hence it is necessary for one to follow the below mentioned steps to ensure effective progress in cloud testing.

  • Understand Cloud Technology: As it is with any business venture, one must first make sense of what is necessary to improve his/her outcomes. Cloud testing can be a completely alien environment even for experienced testers. Thus find time to understand how and where cloud testing can help you in the long run. Understand the benefits of moving a particular testing project into cloud. Remember, cloud testing isn’t the final word when it comes to finding a solution for your testing problems. It is important to conduct unit, functional and integration testing throughout the development cycle.
  • Have Your Own Testing Strategy: Having a well-defined strategy can be the difference between the success and downfall of your testing methods. Have a clear idea about what type of tests should be performed in cloud. You must also be aware about the risks associated with cloud testing.

Weigh the pros and cons of moving to a cloud-based testing.

  • Have a Planned Infrastructure: Moving to cloud testing environment will need careful planning to choose the right kind of testing tools, applications, hardware, software and even bandwidth. Planning should also be done on how long these tools will be in use. That can help with cost reduction and control.
  • Choose the Right Service Provider: Security, quality and reliability should be the most important qualities associated with your service provider. They must be able to provide a quick set-up or tear–down of test environment along with other services like physical infrastructure, testing tools and licenses through provisioning.

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  • Executing the Test: Here the application is tested according to a pre-defined test strategy. You should plan and look for optimal utilization of the test infrastructure in order to realize cost benefits.
  • Monitor and analyze test results: It is necessary to monitor test results in real-time to understand and solve issues concerning capacity or performance. You must even analyze cloud usage against chargeback costs to understand the financial performance of your cloud services.

To master the art of cloud testing for the enhancement of software testing, the following challenges must be overcome:

  • Security: The first and foremost challenge when it comes to cloud technology is security. It must deliver ample user privacy protection and should also meet the security standards on cloud. Hence, if you are to expand software testing into the realm of cloud technology, security testing should be your primary concern.
  • Cloud Compatibility: A great concern for companies when it comes to cloud technology is the performance of their applications, especially in private cloud. Sharing across many users can lead to delays and also cases of maintenance or outage may cause insufficiency of bandwidth.
  • Unsupportive: Sometime with cloud technology, it becomes difficult to emulate the customer environment. This is caused by the unsupportive nature of cloud towards certain configurations for servers, storage or networking that is vital for testing. Therefore make sure whether your application is built to provide the required results on cloud technology.
  • Challenge in Integration Testing: Integration testing is where the tester performs tests on the network, database, servers etc. But with cloud computing, the tester has no control over the underlying environment. This becomes even more challenging when there is interaction between components, with the tester having to anticipate the occurrence of crashes, network breakdown or servers.

Do you think there is more to mastering cloud computing? If yes, please share your thoughts with us in the comment section.

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