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Dating Apps Test: How To Test?

April 17th, 2019
Dating Apps Test: How To Test?

Dating Apps Test: Why do we need that? this question might have come across many companies thinking about leveraging the popularity of such apps.
You must Remember that there are hundreds of dating apps out there. Many are not successful? Reason? Bugs! Users will be always driven towards apps that have high user experience and stable.
To make a stable app you need to test it rigorously so that no bug will be there and the app can assure your company success.
to know more about how to perform Dating Apps Test, continue reading this blog

How to test a dating application
Before we move further in the topic of dating application, it is essential to know how these applications are even tested. This solid foundation will open up new doors in terms of coding and testing for us to understand the main concept of the headliner.
There are several applications for dating that can be downloaded in order to test them. Once, you have tested them, you can easily put up a review for developers to understand what goes wrong.
Whereas in most of the scenarios, a testing team is assigned to ensure that they understand the flow of an application and test it with the highest priority.
The main thing that a tester knows better than others is that a location specific application is easy to test but when it comes to multiple locations then it can be a daunting task.
It requires a lot of struggle and localization for the testing methods to come into play. So, let us understand the workflow in order to get a hang off dating application testing.
1. Download an application
It will actually depend whether you are putting up an application in the beta mode of testing or having a team to do the deed.
In the beta mode, some of the users are given an authority to test an application by downloading it and checking on the essential features. Whereas in the testing team mode, the testing team will follow up a certain process to test an application properly.
In the beta mode, a user is required to search an application on the store of their phone. One can easily click into an application with the help of keywords, description, and title of an application given by the developer.
In addition to this, it is essential to know the localization of that particular application. This will help in placing it in the group of a global or local audience.
Once, this is done, the people can download the application which has signed up for the beta mode. They can send out their reviews for developers to understand the bugs or errors. It is the best in case one don’t have local testers or they want the live response of their audience. The first and foremost thing that this will help in is to understand the downloading and installing process.

  • There are times when a user has trouble in downloading an application. This will help in eliminating that trouble.
  • Then there is third-party interference in an application that might trigger a user off. This point must be tested as well.
  • There can be a custom error during the time of launch that can be filtered out.
  • In addition to this, there might be memory errors or location issues.

In order to avoid these problems, it is better to launch an application as the beta testing. This will reveal a new dating application to users and even test your application.
2. Get registered
Now, since the download and installing are handled, comes the registration process of a user. For every single application, we all have seen two types of application. One of them is having a personal user password and ID while other depends on an API network. In the case of testing, it is essential to test both the aspect.
In the personal name and password system, one needs to fill in their account details and get them verified. There are many mandatory conditions such as email address and phone number through which an identity of an individual can be tested.
As the tester, you must know the importance of reset and cancel button as well. Then, once the details are submitted, check in the table and database where it is getting stored and how they are verifying the information. Make sure that no personal data is shared with the third-party application.
In case, some of the information is missing, check on the popup. These are essential things during the whole process. Then, comes the API network of the registration process.
This type of method requires an Open authorization (OAuth) process to check on the checklist of a process. The main thing that check is to know the security of the API network that is followed by the creditability.
3. Match Made
This is the most essential part of the whole dating application. The main work done by such an application is to make a perfect match as per the algorithm. The main aspect will be movies, books, hobbies, music, etc.

In this step, one needs to review the test criteria of a user on which the match is done. This can be achieved with the help of matching criteria test. Then, you need to check that if one criterion is changed then how an application is reacting.
This can be verified while matching the data of both the parties after the match is made. Then, you need to understand the whole concept of rejecting a person in the algorithm. This will give you basic information about the whole process of acceptance and rejection that occur in a dating application.
4. Personal Chats on the application
Once, the work is done, now move to the next step which will be getting in touch with the matched person. It is the part where one gets involved in the personal chat.
This features must be tested as per the connectivity and how many characters are shared among individual. There are two types of testing mode that is used to test this feature such as a functional test and performance test.
In the functional testing mode, the functions are tested in regards to launching a chat, sending and receiving messages, emoticons, files, etc. This will also include sharing off video, image, and even doc files.
The further steps will include the testing of the send button, launching options, visiting the profile, status of chats and even total limit of sending a message.
In the performance testing mode, one will check on the smoothness while running an application. It will include the personal chats time exist, continuous mode of working, the response time of the chats, failed message ratio, and even the sending mode of files. This will involve every aspect and how the application is reacting to the change.
5. Mode of Payment
Nothing is for free in the world, not even a dating application. There is a different mode of earning that is used by the developers to make bucks such as pro-version, in-app ads, in-app purchase and even user subscriptions.
These are the basic mode in which the developers make money. For all the cases, it is essential to test off few essential parts of an application such as card details, data transferring, etc.
The card details will include the personal information of users such as card type, card number, account number user registration number, expiration date, CVV number, holders name, etc.
This type of information is extremely sensitive and requires multiple modes of security. Hence, it becomes essential to test the data transferring to ensure that no data of a user can be leaked. For be sure, a tester needs to test, the server connection security and also the verification mode such as SMS, phone, Chatbot and even emails.
6. Testing user experience
Now, the final step of testing is to test how the total experience of a user is while testing a date application. It can be determined in terms of the technical viewpoint to check on the perspective of a user.

However, this can be tested by the user as per their planning mode since there is a different mode to follow this type of testing. It will have a transition animation scale, window animation scale, animator duration scale, etc.
Final Words
The main reason that people are actually bending toward dating application is that it is extremely popular as compared to other application.
People are depending on them due to advancement in the globalization of an application.
This allows them to get in touch with other people all around the globe. Also, due to modernization, people don’t have much time to go and focus on their love life.
It is a chance for them to get a proper life with different people. Also, one can found their soulmate or a friend for a lifetime. Hence, it is a win-win situation.

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