Gwen Diagram


Gwen Diagram is a technology professional from Leeds who specializes in testing. She is an avid automation evangelist with a focus on testing complemented by repeatable build processes with monitoring. She has had varied roles throughout her career including Scrum Master at a Start-Up, Engineering Manager at a bank, and DevOps kid at a large Financial Services organization.

As a strong believer in making the tech industry as open and punk as possible, she co-organizes a twice-yearly free day-long testing conference called the Leeds Testing Atelier. She speaks regularly at local meet-up groups, Agile Yorkshire and Leeds DevOps, duels with creative types at events like the Tech Off, speaks internationally at conferences such as Nordic Testing Days in Tallinn, and was the closing keynote at Agile on the Beach in Falmouth, the UK in 2018.

Outside of work, you will usually find her hanging around a Natural History museum somewhere in the world marveling at how incredibly excellent dinosaurs are, feeding pigeons or ducks, or obsessing over transport.