Eric Proegler is a Staff Test Instructure Engineer for Credit Karma in Oakland, California. Prior to this, he held the positions of Senior Director of Quality Engineering, Practice Lead for Performance Testing Consulting, Product Manager for Testing Tools, and President of the Association for Software Testing. Eric splits his time between the Solver and Right Hand StaffEng archetypes at work by questioning, writing documentation, and hacking processes. He’s presented and/or facilitated at CAST, TestBash, Agile, PNSQC, CMG Impact, STARWEST, Jenkins World, Oredev, Nordic Testing Days, Romanian Testing Conference, Yerevan Testing Days, CodeFest, STPCon, WOPR, and STiFS. In his free time, Eric spends time with family, runs a science fiction book club, and is looking forward to resuming a busy schedule of live literary events, music, and stand-up